Thursday, January 26, 2012

Detox -Day 4

Wow. It's hard to believe I've been on this detox journey for 4 days. As I prep tonights dinner (baked sweet potato and 1 veggie burger) I'm grateful that I've only had one slip up. But oh how I wanted to slip more. I wanted to slip into some coffee, a chai latte, some chocolate, candy, krispy kremes and Tim Hortons. Why? Because they were all placed in my line of sight over the last 4 days. It's no wonder we struggle with weight. There are far too many people who reward with food that the temptation is great and mighty!!

I stepped on the scale this morning and I had dropped 3 pounds. Yes- 3! Now, I've done this detox before. The first time I did it, I lost 8lbs in 9 days- and that was eating pizza and a couple of other non-choices during the course of the week. Today I went to an organic restaurant and ordered a super healthy lunch of tofu, brown rice and veggies. But then, the organic peanut butter cookies came out the oven and I just couldn't resist. I didn't resist. And I won't beat myself up for it. I'm just grateful for all the other options I bypassed. It's easy to beat ourselves up, get frustrated and quit. The challenge is forgiving ourselves and moving forward. That's what I'm doing tonight. Bon apetite!


  1. Hey PS!!

    Tell me more about this detox you're doing! Sounds interesting so far. And keep up the good work steering clear of all of those sweets that were tempting you !

  2. Hey MStokes! I am doing the detox from fatsmash/celebrity fit club. I have lost 5lbs in 10 days. Not too bad. I can email you the initial detox but it basically is an avoidance of sugar, white carbs and meat for 9 days. Inbox me your email address on twitter if you want me to send it to you.
