Monday, December 5, 2011

Getting Fit NOW!

Alright folks. So, just wanted to post an update. While I started my new fitness mission well before Thanksgiving, I fell off in the midst of the holiday. You see, I made the mistake of cooking LOTS of food and allowing the leftovers to remain accessible. In one week, I picked up nearly 3lbs. I've since lost 3 of them. I will be weighing myself in the am and am hoping I'm back to where I was before the holiday arrived and stole my mission... pulled the rug from under me. I felt hoodwinked and bamboozled. Boy was I mad at Thanksgiving!! However, about 1 week later I realized that the only person who tricked me was myself. In fact, I reneged on a promise I made to myself and I was blaming others and everything else for my slip-up. How many times have I done this? Likely- too many to count. So, I'm giving myself a do-over. I'm still struggling, but I'm coming to some realizations about myself. The most important realization is knowing that I can do it and understanding that I can flex my "NO MUSCLE" whenever I remember my commitment to ME. That's step #1. This weekend, my Zumba team and I discussed giving up one thing for a whole week. I decided to give up meat and white flour carbs for the week. Today I flexed my "NO MUSCLE" by sticking to all veggies and meatless protein all day. In fact, I made egg whites and mixed veggies for dinner while the family had manwich. That's progress.

So- how you doin?