Thursday, July 18, 2013

Product Review: Eden BodyWorks Cleansing Co-Wash and Leave-InConditioner

A visit to Sallys Beauty Supply in June caused me to purchase the co-wash from Eden BodyWorks. I had heard lots about it thanks to it being included in CurlBox kits. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I always knew I'd give it a try despite my loyalty and love to the one from As I Am. I love coconut oil and it was in the top ingredients. I tried it a few times before taking a trip to Washington, D.C. where I had the honor of attending a conference on volunteering and service. It just so happened that included in the conference goodie bags was a sample of the leave-in from the same line. SCORE! I found it interesting that it was included because there really aren't a lot of African-Americans that attend this particular event. So, I came to the obvious conclusion that it is intended for all hair types. Cool.

So let's get to it. The first few times I used the co-wash I was not particularly impressed. It cleansed my hair- no doubt but it didn't give it that extra umph factor that would make me go back and buy it again. My hair cooperates completely when it likes a product it is soft and compliant afterward. This time is was compliant but not really soft. I didn't give up but I left it behind when I went to D.C. While at the conference, I washed my hair with a dreadful, typically expensive shampoo and conditioner that came with the hotel room. HATED IT! I roomed with my Caucasian friend whose hair also HATED IT! We give that product 2 thumbs down and a flush! It starts and ends with an "A" friends and that's all I have to say about that.

I decided to combat the washing fiasco by using the Eden BodyWorks leave-in. My hair still felt really hard and ridiculous so I gave it a pass and asked for another sample to be used later. Fast forward to Sunday night. I decided to use the co-wash and leave-in together. You know what they say about using products from the same line... It's supposed to yield fantastic results, right? Well, if I'm honest... it left ok results. I tried the co-wash for about 30 days. There are some products which just cause my hair to shrug. Like- yeah that was cool but I don't want seconds or need a repeat visit. That's kind of how I feel about how Eden BodyWorks and my hair.
You can see from the pic that I used the products until they were gone. I can take it or leave it and for now I'll be leaving it. Perhaps I'll try again in a few months since I like the story behind it. You can read it here: I also like that the company does not use parabens, sulfates, etc (remember- I'm a product snob). I always seem to get product amnesia. What can I say? I'm a second chances kind of girl after all. Here's my overall take:
Price: $$ (reasonable)
Consistency: The co-wash was kind of runny but it't not clear. Just one of my personal quirks.
Results: The co-wash is cleans. The leave-in-- Hmmmm... I would like to say it added moisture being water-based and all, but I really can't say which is a sign that it didn't work for me.

Have you tried any of the Eden products? Which ones? Share with me some of your feedback! I like good news! Just because it isn't for me, doesn't mean it isn't for you. It's probably just me... it usually is. ;D

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Absence makes the heart grow fonder... Right?

I think the answer is... sometimes! So... ya girl has been busy with EVERYTHING. Life happens to me every few months and I get off track from my writing and many other things. My absence has been mostly work related but fortunately I had a great 2 weeks away from the place and got not all-- but a good portion of my mojo back!

I took a week long vacation to Assateague State Park in Maryland where wild horses run free. While there and enjoying the view, my thoughts ran free also! I thought a lot about life, my future and where I was going with this blog. I really wanted to write from the beach but I was distracted by the state of it. I determined that I mostly like discussing the most recent topics... Hair, music and other not so heavy topics. I realized though that I've kind of lost my passion for glasses. I still like them, but my focus isn't there. I really want to start sharing my poetry. So- I changed the name of the blog. Im pretty authentic... even here but I want be even more open. The name now reflects the moniker I use in my social media life (twitter, Instagram, Pinterest). So when you see that- know its me!

Anyway, expect to see some of the same and also some new! Happy second half of the year!