Monday, January 23, 2012


Todays breakfast smoothie of spinach and berries

Oh detox, detox. How I loathe thee.
And yet, you seem to set me straight and so I must figure out how to live with and not fight you...

The story of my life folks; over the last 9 years, weight has been a problem. I had a surgery that forever changed my life and the way my body reacts to food. Mostly it caused my body to welcome every visiting food in to our humble abode and convince them to stay awhile. A long while.

Back in December I started trying to reign things in a bit. I'd lost 13lbs over the last year via clean eating but the holidays included lots of comforting foods and leftovers. Additionally, the holidays included things I'd banished to one day a week- mainly carbs and sweets. Sweets and carbs. If I have either one- it invites back the other creating a vicious cycle that has become a motha. -__- 

I decided this weekend after having my second order of fries in 2 days that I MUST do something. You see, I've been eating well. I've been exercising. I TEACH Zumba. But one false move could defeat every effort and derail my entire fitness program. As I induged, I had the wherewithall to realize that some action is required. So, detox it is. I am making a return to Dr. Ian's original fatsmash diet. It worked for me- well. It helped me to kick out the bad, and to reinstroduce the other stuff in moderation. I need that sort of plan in my life STAT. I need to regroup. After all, how can I be the motivator I desire to be in the fitness realm if I can't recognize my weaknesses AND take action? I can't. Besides that endeavor- I am taking a trip to Montego Bay in July and my body must be in order. I have friends that will be wearing 2 pieces, and I want to show off more than a 3-piece with a biscuit. At the least, I need to be in a tankini.

I also want to feel good. Once you begin eating clean, you notice a significant increase in your energy levels. I need to feel that boost 100% of the time. My journey began this morning with a fruit and veggie smoothie. I have a very short "yes" list and a very long "no list". No list be damned! I am working on creative, weekly food plans and starting to journal my meals, water intake and exerise. In the meantime- I'm leading myself in a daily pep talk- I can do this. I need this. My health matters and inspires. My plan is to be a motivator and it cannot begin until I begin to motivate myself again. So, if you see me, in person, fb or twitter- encourage me. I can use a little every now and then. Detox is 9 days and today is the first. Here goes...

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