Friday, February 3, 2012

On the 10th day of DETOX, my body gave to me...

Fi-ive pounds off me!
After a tough ten days of detoxing, (with a few minor cheats) I managed to lose 5lbs. I extended the detox by one day because of the cheating. I also worked out a bit more than I had previously, varying my exercise routines along the way. I taught Zumba 5 times, participated in Zumba as a student, lifted weights, ran and used the elliptical. I've learned that I need to keep my body guessing to get the desired results. I also maintained my water intake, drinking 75 ounces nearly every day. Water matters. If you are not already doing this, I suggest you get on it. Beyond that, I worked to stop eating by a certain time at night and did my best to control cravings. I was quite pleased to see that I was down 5 pounds at the end of the cycle. But wondered about the results if I hadn't indulged in the couple of chocolates I snuck in. Hence, the extra day.

So, what's next? Well... I decided to continue the meat elimination for an additional day. However I'm considering having meat every other day until I reach my initial loss goal of 15 pounds. I will begin eating fish tomorrow but I've been craving a steak so that is on the horizon. In any case, I'm moving into the next phase of FatSmash which lasts 3 weeks and includes the addition of lean meats, sugar free cereal and COFFEE!! Boy those first few days without even one cup of coffee were tough. I only drink coffee 1-2 times a week to perk me up in the mornings or before a Zumba class. However, because I knew I couldn't have it, I had to talk myself out of the Starbucks drive-thru several times! It feels like an accomplishment to say I can let caffeine go whenever I decide. I want to feel that way about all foods and any other vices I may have. Well, except music- it is the one vice that can potentially decrease body mass if used properly. As I sit here banishing the thought of a glass of calorie-laden moscato, I am finally getting it into my head that every decision is just that a decision. And I have decided that I will instead drink this very healthy, fruit smoothie in a celebratory glass and commence to dancing. Cheers to that!

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