Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hair Nightmares: Sometimes free ain't free

A couple of nights ago, I had a nightmare. A Mary Kay Consultant offered to give me a mini make-over after saying that she did free make-up and trims. Instead, she chopped off a great deal of my hair. In reviewing the dream, I understood why I accepted her doing my make-up. Mary Kay is well known in our communities for their make-up products. That makes total sense. BUT- why I allowed her to give me a TRIM is another story. When she finished, she spun my chair around and showed me the final results in a huge, bevel-edged mirror. What I saw was not what I imagined when I said yes. I expected me, with good looking ends. What I got was half bob/half 80's Patti Labelle wig... Think this little self portrait I did:

My exact expression. lol

As soon as I saw myself, I lost it, crying and screaming- WHAT DID YOU DO??!!  I was inconsolably sick over it in the dream AND still in that state when I woke up. It was THAT real. I found myself trying to think of how I'd explain to my stylist Nikki what happened and worrying about the long journey back to my current length. I imagined YEARS of the same hard work I put in to get here!

Thank God it wasn't real but I'm still feeling a bit traumatized! I've heard horror stories about stylists applying relaxers in disguise as a deep treatment much to the dismay of their natural clients. I've even had a stylist go scissor crazy on my natural hair. This dream however, seemed worse than real life. Maybe because it was actually LIKE real life. We put a great deal of trust and expectation into strangers every day. We believe someone will care for every part of us, with the same or better love and level of attention that we give ourselves. And if they don't- as a society we sue, cuss them out, ruin their reputations. We do it every day with doctors, dentists, employers and yes- hair dressers. We believe that because they came with a reputation, degree and/or word of mouth they will serve or treat us right. This isn't a bad thing. But, the truth is, care for you- starts with YOU and your decisions. In my nightmare, a snap decision led me to a place I quickly regretted. I didn't think it through. I wanted what I wanted. It seemed an attractive opportunity and while it didn't cost anything- I paid the price. I also understood the lesson- sometimes free ain't free. As I typed, I connected this line of thought to my personal fitness quest. I understand that every time I document my food journal and follow my eating plan, I'm caring for me. Every time I hit the pavement in preparation for my first 5k, I'm caring for me. With every Zumba routine, I'm caring for me. It doesn't have to cost me anything to get in shape and if it does- I know I'm worth it. Likewise, I need to keep in mind that it WILL cost me to continue being out of shape and eating poorly. I'm trying to change that and the process of change is more than a snap decision. I have to keep it at the forefront daily. I have thought about and calculated the costs of not caring. That price is far higher than anything I'm willing to pay or that I can afford.

Interesting the things a dream can teach you, huh?


  1. OK so I laughed at the picture, but this is a great blog. I have been seeing you document your fitness journey and to be honest it has almost got me thinking I need to start eating better. Keep up the good work, and keep posting you never know who you may inspire.

    1. That picture made ME laugh! I've fallen off the wagon so many times so forcing myself to document my journey has been a big deal. I'm glad I can inspire even one person and you're a GREAT person to inspire. It starts with a thought- then you have to act. I need a real accountability partner. That's next. :D Thanks for reading and commenting!
