Monday, July 30, 2012

Getting Back In the Zone

Life often comes at you fast; speedily bringing lots of distractions that derail your plans to change aspects of your life. The distractions I’m referencing take you further from, versus closer to your goals and dreams.  What should be temporary disruptions have somehow lasted much longer than they ought. In my case, it’s been things like:
  •  Personal issues
  •  Power outages
  • Vacations
  • Potlucks/Team Events
  • TV
  • Other People’s Poop (You down with OPP?)
I like to think that I’m always evolving. I feel as though God has given me many gifts and talents and I’m at my best or simply “IN THE ZONE” when I’m using them. This is just one reason I became a Zumba instructor. But I realized recently that despite my heavy workout regiment, I’d been neglecting my eating goals. I’ve had a goal to lose 30 pounds for the last year. I’d like to finally accomplish this by December, 2012. But starting over every week, or few days has pushed me further away, or at the least- caused me to become stagnant.

I’ve also had a goal to get my blog and crafting going again. I enjoy writing for entertainment purposes but I also find it therapeutic to share my poetry, photography and crafts. Still, I regularly find reasons to ignore the pen and my desk that holds everything I SAY that I love. I put off or ignore the great words, crafting ideas and articles that formulate in my head randomly during the day and at night. It has become insanity at its best.

Procrastinating has become a major problem and it has not come with the type of losses I want to achieve. Like I mentioned above, I find myself starting anew over and over. But this time, I’m declaring it will be different. To kick start this endeavor, I will either write or craft for at least one hour every day/night (starting today/night!). To keep things exciting, I will pick up my camera and start a random photography project based on my interests. I will NOT take the easy way out with my phone or Instagram.

Egg whites with asparagus and mushroom
Additionally, aligning my meals with my fitness regimen will become a priority. Water will again become my BFF in a bottle. My loved ones will have to understand if I decline dinner at places where I struggle (you know- the ones with complimentary, bread baskets- lol), eat before I come to an event, or only indulge occasionally. Hopefully, some of them will join me.

I’m on a journey to stop avoiding success. And it starts with THIS MEAL and THIS BLOG. Let’s go.


  1. Let's get it!!!

  2. I like what your saying girl but I really like that last statement. "I'm on a journey to stop avoiding success" LETS GOOOO!

  3. Amen! I'm reminding myself on a regular basis!
