Thursday, January 27, 2011

Girls with Glasses WRITE!

All You Are

I’m thinking…
we could make this work
If you were less involved
Played the back until at least
We could resolve
Our situation which
Has not lessened-
But instead has evolved

If just once you could
Allow your representative, other self
Your puppet head
stand in, while you
collect dust on the shelf

Place your stunt double
In every important scene
Not only the action shots but
those that include me

For those are the ones
When we’re most at risk
A “we” that is shaky
Some times doesn’t exist

When your empty promises
Silent goodbyes
Make me bury deep
The hurt I feel inside

Our reunions are constant
But not like the stars
They’re full of false starts
Like broken down cars
Like a zipper that catches
A snap that’s lost half
Like empty mall carts
So lets do the math...

When you call and I answer
feel numb at your tears
I hear what they explain
They say you're all I have feared

The answer seems simple
This is all a farce
And you’re a joking, ventriloquist
Whose words don’t impart-

Anything meaningful
Lasting beyond the present
Which should also explain
Why I’m always hesitant

And add to the equation
you’re never quite there
Your lips always moving
But blowing hot air

a red balloon in the sky
Tossed about by the wind
Sadly glimpsed in the distance
only every now and then

So, please consider
Letting your under study stand in
She sees my longing
With me , she wants to begin

With me, she sees promise
With me she sees hope
While she is my island
I’m the life saving boat

With me there is love
With me there’s reward
She has no desire to impale
What we might be on a sword

She sees you and I could make it
If she makes her debut
While you play the back
Because all you are is-- you

1 comment:

  1. I like this. You have such a creative way with words.

