Friday, January 4, 2013

Sometimes I- disappear...

For long periods no less! Sorry folks! Between writing a grant for work, the holidays and my anniversary this chica has been busy! I've let many projects and such fall by the wayside but have attempted to maintain some semblance of a routine (i.e. teaching Zumba, trying struggling to eat properly, making holiday cards, some that just went out this morning O_O). I even managed to go to the movies once. I saw Les Miserables... I kind of liked it. There was a good storyline, decent acting and a LOT of howling singing, crying and overall it was just an incredibly sad film/musical. You can totally see why it was released during the holidays! Right? No? Needless to say it wasn't my cup of tea but I enjoyed it a little and managed to expand my horizons a bit.

Aside from that, I did my hair a few times but mostly it's been pinned up because I'm doing a protective style challenge until spring. I did it last year too, however this year I haven't been keeping up with the required videos because I've been too busy! I did one pretty late at night that made me laugh when I viewed it later! It was such a mess! Either way my hair has either looked like this when it's in an updo. I tend to either have the front twisted or hanging like it is. Always been a bangs girl!

or this when it's wild and free:

Anyway, in other news I'm starting an etsy with plans to sell some of my photo prints and other fun items. I am dedicating a blog to this endeavor and I will probably change the name of this one. I want to make it more personal. Stay tuned on both endeavors AND for a few music and product reviews!

Happy New Year! I started mine off eating clean again. I have a major goal to hit. The only resolution type thing I'm doing. Everything else is full steam ahead- per usual.

~Peace, Naturally

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