Thursday, January 19, 2012

Catching Up - A Mixed Bag :D

Well... long time no hear-->from ME!
Life has been a bit crazy for the last few months. We had the holidays, my 10-year wedding anniversary, college preparations for the kids and well... LIFE!

Mixed Berry Salad with goat cheese
But I'm back. I'm working out hard and drinking lots of water. I've only managed to lose about 2-3 lbs but have gained some stamina with my running which I plan to increase and continue. I'm beginning to teach 4 Zumba classes a week. 3 nights at my church and one at a local gym. Pretty fantastic eh? This is helping me with my fitness journey. I'm also reigning in my eating. The holidays got me off a bit but I'm finding my way back to clean eating- veggies, fruits, water. Hence the mixed berry salad in the pic! ------------------------------------>>
How many of you are still on the wagon? It's easy to fall off but we need each other to stay in the race. At the very least- I need YOU! Stay tuned for more posts in this area.

I'm also writing poetry, working on my book and singing background for a friend of mine. I'd been trying to decide if I wanted to post my poetry here or on my former blog. I think I'll reintroduce my old blog dedicated to poetry and poetry videos but will post them here from time to time.

My girlfriend sings inspirational and gospel music and in an effort to get back to using my voice, I have joined her where my schedule permits. It's actually been a great joy and outlet for me.

In the world of natural hair- I'm still keeping up. I've been in a protective style challenge for the last few months. I've mostly worn my hair tucked away since October or November. It's hard to believe that we are nearing the home stretch for that little project. Seems like we just started. Later, I'll do a post telling you more about the challenge and sharing what I've learned about my hair, products I'm using and myself on this journey!

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