Tuesday, November 6, 2012

As I Am Gel and Double Butter Cream Review

 Greetings! Todays hair has been brought to you by As I Am Gel and Double Butter Cream! Purty ain't it? Inspired by the lyrics of one of my favorite holiday songs (I really can't stay... baby, it's cold out there!), this hair is the result of protective styling. After a solid week of 70-80 degree weather, Hurricane Sandy decided that play time is o'vah and we are now officially prepping for the cold in Ohio. We were bouncing back and forth before but fall is here to stay and with that comes cold rain, winds and eventually winter. For me, dry hair comes with the cooler temperatures. The moisturizers that got me thru summer no longer do the trick so I've been scouting new ones. This week I did a twist and bantu set using Paul Mitchell The One Conditioner and As I Am Gel. I like the As I Am gel. It is kind of runny like kinky curly but the consistency is not as weird to the touch. My curls seemed to like it too!

After teaching Zumba on Saturday though I knew I needed to at least rinse the twists because they had begun to look dry. I stopped at the local Sallys to pick up another product by As I Am - the double butter cream because I'd seen some talk of it on Facebook by a couple of other naturals and their results piqued my interest. Because they were touting the moisturizing benefits, I knew that I would try it. It's not cheap folks. Sally's was offering $1 off on the Saturday I visited. Although I was grateful for any savings, I balked at the $20 price tag for 16oz. Geez! My issues were short-lived as I obviously walked out of the store with it in tow- but best believe I gave it the "I WILL bring you back" side-eye as we departed.

In any case, I went home and rinsed the sweat from my hair. I imagine some, but not all of the gel washed out. I then took apart the existing twists and redid them using the Double Butter Cream. At first glance and touch, it was reminiscent of the Bee Mine Curly Hold Butter that I used every now and again. While I like the look of my hair on Bee Mine, I can't make it a mainstay because it is drying after the first day. My hopes for a new moisturizer that you can get on the ground increased as I read the labeling. As I Am claims the Double Butter Cream Rich Daily Moisturizer is a rich emollient blend that adds softness, shine and manageability to dull, dry hair. The directions state that you can use it sparingly or liberally based on your hairs needs. Sounds too good to be true to me! I chose somewhere in the middle as I ran the product down my strands from root to tip. I then put the twists in bantu knots and let them dry until Sunday. I was quite pleased! My hair looked very moisturized and felt soft to the touch. My friend said she hated my hair when she saw me. Translation - I LOVE your hair! That was good because I was loving it too!The results are shown in the picture above with the orange shirt. I'm going to use this product only for the next couple of weeks. On Sunday night I put my hair into twists for the week. They looked pretty amazing all week I must say. I retouched them later and used the butter cream without the gel underneath. On Friday, I removed the twists and loved what I saw:

 It really does have amazing hold without gel underneath.All in all, I am really digging this line of products. Here's how the double butter cream rates for me:
Price:  $$$ - but... might be worth it
Feel/Smell: I like the half cream/half gel feel. I don't recall the smell which means it isn't over powering.
Promise: It did everything it said it would do. Hair stayed moisturized for days!
Hair types: Definitely works well with upper 3C - 4abc

Have you tried As I Am products? Tell me what you think!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A Drop of History

Standing and looking over the cliff of empty nester life, I find myself surrounded by friends who are newlyweds and parents. These friends are just starting or growing their young families. I enjoy their company, listening to their stories, laughing with them and sometimes meting out advice. Every now and then, I feel a twinge of short-lived jealousy thinking I’m open to raising another child. However, I like better the idea of borrowing one of theirs and giving it back. After returning said child, I know I can reclaim my new life of responsibility for me, myself and I. I've earned this bit of selfishness after 18 years! Self reflection is a huge part of witnessing the experiences. I relate, having once been a new mom/parent also. I listen to their stories and remember my own experience of giving birth. If I shared that part of my life, you would hear all the excitement, fears and joy I felt when my son joined the universe. I know that just like me, my friends will share their stories with their children and they will claim and love it. My son loves hearing that part of his story. It is one drop amongst many others in the history of his life.

As an adoptee, that part of my own story has been fleeting. Before I learned I was adopted, I tried to imagine my mom pregnant with me in her stomach. She was always Foxy-Cleopatra-Brown-fine in her bell-bottoms, snug blouses, wigs and make up. I couldn't imagine her with a big belly, let alone birthing the four of us. She always spoke gently about our birth stories. There was rarely detail; especially with me. When I learned to do math, I figured out that she was 27 years older than me. That age seemed pretty old to be having babies in my young mind but there were too many of us to deny some birthing had in fact happened.

Always fond of the camera and pictures, even as a kid I loved browsing family photos in search of me and my siblings and other relatives. It was much later in life that I realized the tragedy of mom responding that a baby photo was one of my siblings while indicating that perhaps this or that unmarked chubby, brown bambino was me. It just didn't hit me then. Nor did it hit me when I learned I was adopted at age 10. It began to hit me when I realized that everything I thought I knew about how I came to exist was a lie. Perhaps a lie intended for protection, but a lie just the same. It hits me now when I listen to the stories of my friends and understand that I will never hear the joy my parents felt when I entered the world. I will never know if it was a difficult or easy birth. Or if my mom cried when she first laid eyes upon me, as I did when I saw my son. I will never hear about my dad pacing or fainting in the delivery room. I know now that in fact, he wasn't there. I will never see pictures of my baby room. I will never know if I stayed up all night but slept all day, if I was colicky or cried a lot. Lost further in the archives of foster parent life are stories of when I first smiled or got my first tooth. As an adoptee, it is not uncommon to learn that certain facts about your existence are lost to you. You learn to live with them. Can’t miss what you never had- right?

All in all, I'm thankful for my memories and the numerous photos I took of my son. As long as they exist, I can share them with him and his children should I have the opportunity. I tell him stories about his life now without him asking because I understand the importance. I smile at the stories of my friends and even those shared by my husband’s family of his life beginnings. I tell my friends to record and document everything. While I’ll never know parts of my own story, I try to weave parts of it together with the bits of history I picked up via my reunion. I live vicariously through my experiences and those of my friends and family. I smile with them at pictures and laugh at the funny incidents that occur when I'm present. I accept that our collective experiences may be the only opportunity and insight I receive to fill in the blanks of my personal history. Every drop counts. But sometimes that reality and acceptance makes me cry and lament over the drops that I can never regain.
Interested in my adoption/reunion story? Follow/visit my other blog - findinggloriamarie@blogspot.com

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hair Nightmares: Sometimes free ain't free

A couple of nights ago, I had a nightmare. A Mary Kay Consultant offered to give me a mini make-over after saying that she did free make-up and trims. Instead, she chopped off a great deal of my hair. In reviewing the dream, I understood why I accepted her doing my make-up. Mary Kay is well known in our communities for their make-up products. That makes total sense. BUT- why I allowed her to give me a TRIM is another story. When she finished, she spun my chair around and showed me the final results in a huge, bevel-edged mirror. What I saw was not what I imagined when I said yes. I expected me, with good looking ends. What I got was half bob/half 80's Patti Labelle wig... Think this little self portrait I did:

My exact expression. lol

As soon as I saw myself, I lost it, crying and screaming- WHAT DID YOU DO??!!  I was inconsolably sick over it in the dream AND still in that state when I woke up. It was THAT real. I found myself trying to think of how I'd explain to my stylist Nikki what happened and worrying about the long journey back to my current length. I imagined YEARS of the same hard work I put in to get here!

Thank God it wasn't real but I'm still feeling a bit traumatized! I've heard horror stories about stylists applying relaxers in disguise as a deep treatment much to the dismay of their natural clients. I've even had a stylist go scissor crazy on my natural hair. This dream however, seemed worse than real life. Maybe because it was actually LIKE real life. We put a great deal of trust and expectation into strangers every day. We believe someone will care for every part of us, with the same or better love and level of attention that we give ourselves. And if they don't- as a society we sue, cuss them out, ruin their reputations. We do it every day with doctors, dentists, employers and yes- hair dressers. We believe that because they came with a reputation, degree and/or word of mouth they will serve or treat us right. This isn't a bad thing. But, the truth is, care for you- starts with YOU and your decisions. In my nightmare, a snap decision led me to a place I quickly regretted. I didn't think it through. I wanted what I wanted. It seemed an attractive opportunity and while it didn't cost anything- I paid the price. I also understood the lesson- sometimes free ain't free. As I typed, I connected this line of thought to my personal fitness quest. I understand that every time I document my food journal and follow my eating plan, I'm caring for me. Every time I hit the pavement in preparation for my first 5k, I'm caring for me. With every Zumba routine, I'm caring for me. It doesn't have to cost me anything to get in shape and if it does- I know I'm worth it. Likewise, I need to keep in mind that it WILL cost me to continue being out of shape and eating poorly. I'm trying to change that and the process of change is more than a snap decision. I have to keep it at the forefront daily. I have thought about and calculated the costs of not caring. That price is far higher than anything I'm willing to pay or that I can afford.

Interesting the things a dream can teach you, huh?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Good bye wash-n-go's, Hello protective styles!

This is a combo post. Previously, I've discussed my weight loss journey and hair separately but the truth is- they're connected. During the last month of summer I primarily styled my hair via wash and go's (wngs) because it seemed that my journey of working out and getting fit was causing me to wash or rinse my hair almost daily. I sweat like nobody's business when I teach Zumba and most of it comes from the head and shoulders (don't judge me). Wearing scarves and pin-ups do not help the matter. When I try to go to sleep, the sweat on my scalp causes the itchies and as a result, I get no sleep. So, wash and go styles were in my best interest all summer! I figured- if it ain't broke, why fix it!

In September I decided to exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day thanks to a FaceBook challenge from MTV Real World cast original- Kevin Powell. I already teach Zumba 2-3 times a week but I decided to add some layers to my workout regimen. With this plan in mind, I completed my first walk/run in September. I use the Ease Into 5K application (formerly known as C25K. Check it out if you can and are interested in running. It's pretty cool). During the months of August and September I would rinse or co-wash (using As I am Coconut Co-Wash) after my workouts, add leave-in conditioner, EcoStyler Pink and head out. By the end, I'd begun to squeeze out the excess water and conditioner (learned this from vlogger ShidaNaturals, whom I LOVE) before adding the gel. This sped up my drying time and lessened shrinkage. Since I was working out in the evenings, I would just wait until the morning to do the entire process again. NOW... it is pretty cool outside and wash and go styles are no longer practical. Venturing from the house with wet hair isn't the best idea. I have no interest in getting sick or drinking that icky blue stuff that's supposed to ease symptoms so I can get some rest. No sir/ma'am- I'll take my sleep without sickness or medication for all the money, Alex!! So, I've decided to mostly keep my hair in protective styles all fall and winter. I'll primarily wear twisted pin-up styles (similar to the one shown above), co-washing or rinsing at night so that my hair will be dry in the a.m.

Ultimately, this plan will assist my workouts versus hinder them. My workouts are now a priority and not a secondary thing that can be skipped at whim. Being natural has helped me maintain this thought process. A lot of this is mental. When I was relaxed- I wasn't relaxed at all. Before every workout I was so uptight about messing up my hair especially if it was freshly done! With that concern long out of the way- I have other worries. Soon enough I'll have to bring my entire workout inside to the gym but right now I soooo enjoy the outdoors (can't believe I'm saying that!), the brisk, fresh air and the sun. My journey includes caring for my entire self and sticking to it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy for and about myself. It makes me proud of ME for making self care a priority. You only get one you. I can never say enough to you or me- Take care of yourself, head to toe, inside AND out. Moreover, don't let a little thing like hair get in the way.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Recipe: Pumpkin Streusel Pie

It's been a long time since I posted a recipe. You would think I don't like to cook but of course I do! The weather is getting cooler and I've been in the mood for something tasty, warm and... HEALTHY!! Ok, ok- I haven't  REALLY been in the mood for anything healthy but as part of my discipline to be a better me, it's necessary. Today I was in Starbucks and someone ordered a pumpkin latte. It looked delightful and gave me the idea to bake something pumpkin-y tonight. I remembered a Betty Crocker recipe I pull out every winter to the delight of my son and myself (the DH doesn't like pumpkin). This is another recipe I'd make when I was doing Weight Watchers. I picked up many great eating tips and making a worthy dessert was one of my main quests. So, here it is- if you try it, let me know!

First there is the topping. Mix all the ingredients and set aside:
Brown Sugar Topping
1/4 c. packed brown sugar
1/4 c. quick cooking oats
1 tbsp of margarine (I used Land O'Lakes butter)
Mix all of the ingredients and set aside

Mix the next ingredients in a blender or food processor in the order listed.
Remaining ingredients
1 can (15 oz) pumpkin
1 can (12 oz) evaporated skimmed milk
1/2 c. fat-free cholesterol-free egg product or 4 egg whites
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. all purpose flour
1 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp of salt
2 tsp of grated orange peel

Topping added
Cover and blend on medium speed until smooth. Pour into a pie pan/plate. Try to use a deep-dish pie plate as you may find that there is more than a normal pie pan can hold. After pouring into your dish, sprinkle the topping across the mixture.

Bake for 50-55 minutes or until a knife inserted into the center comes out clean. Allow to cool for 15 minutes. Now... at this point the recipe says you should place in the refridgerator for 4 hours or until chilled. Personally, we give it about 20 minutes to get to the point of being warmed (versus scorch your esophagus hot) and go for it! Basically, try it your way! 

The deets on calories and such are below. I interpreted this to being 4 weight watcher points per slice (provided you turn it into 8 portions).
Recipe makes 8 servings
200 Calories
2g Fat
2mg Cholesterol
230mg Sodium
38g Carbs
2g Dietary fiber
7g Protein

If you try it, please come back and comment! In the meantime, my son is chomping at the bit and complaining that I'm sharing this recipe! Bon appetite!


Product Review: Ouidad Mediterranean Bay Leaf Exfoliating Hair and Scalp Treatment

As I love to say- he does the work, and I get the perks! My husband scored a 2 oz size of Mediterranean Bay Leaf Exfoliating Hair & Scalp Treatment. It's a product from the Salon Series by Ouidad. The bottle says that it "helps promote healthy hair growth". Further research indicated the product would exfoliate the scalp, alleviating product build-up and ease issues with dandruff. I don't have any dandruff issues, but I may sometimes have issues with product build-up. At first glance, I thought- "eh" and that maybe I'd use it, or maybe not. Tonight, maybe turned into a reality as I decided to wash my hair for the week in preparation for a protective style challenge I entered and the bottle was glowing at me from its space. Funny how products always communicate and beckon to me from faraway spaces in my house! Even though I decided to use it anyway, I realized it might also be good to know exactly what I was putting on my scalp. After all, I am normally a self-proclaimed product snob but tonight the inner snob did her best to see/hear no evil about this product. Anyway, the ingredients aren't listed on the bottle, but a quick visit to the website turned up the following:

Water, Cetearyl Alcohol, Glycerin, PEG-16 Macadamia Glycerides, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil, Polysorbate 60, Hexylene Glycol, Bambus Arundinacea (Bamboo) Stem Powder, Pimenta Acris (Bay) Leaf Oil, Hexapeptide-11, Citrus Limon (Lemon) Fruit Extract, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Fruit Extract, Foeniculum Vulgare (Fennel) Seed Extract, Visnaga Vera Fruit/Stem Extract, Saccharum Officinarum (Sugar Cane) Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Panthenol, Betaine, Chlorophyllin-Copper Complex, Tocopheryl Acetate, Citric Acid, Behentrimonium Methosulfate, Menthol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Superoxide Dismutase, Stearamidopropyl Dimethylamine, Phenoxyethanol.
The directions stated that I should apply to my scalp after dampening my hair. So, after a quick wash and adding a deep conditioner, I squeezed some of the product into my hand. It's a greenish-blue color and the granules were visible. Based on the ingredients, I thought it might have a citrus-like scent. Instead, it smelled a bit medicinal (probably from the fennel) and I might even say- minty.

I massaged it into my scalp for about 2-3 minutes per the instructions. After a few moments, my scalp became a little tingly, and just felt good all over. I wished someone would take over the massage and allow me to enjoy the feeling without doing the work. I need to take this to my hair dresser STAT!!!!
Anyway, my first thought is this product is probably great for those with dandruff and/or dry scalp issues. But it feels quite good even for scalps with no issues at all. Even now, my scalp feels GREAT! Not sure if I'd actually buy it though. At $36 for 6oz, that's pretty pricey for the kid! However, if I was desperately seeking scalp relief I might at least go into a beauty store and ask for a sample.


Monday, September 10, 2012

I Found the Magic Styler (for me): Living Proof Nourishing Style Cream Review

Feeling rather lazy, I decided to skip my usual Sunday regimen of washing, deep conditioning, twisting my hair. Instead, I laid on my pillow and went to sleep with visions of a wash and go in the morning. Before though, I prepped my greek yogurt treatment and placed it in the fridge. This morning, I wet my hair, put on the treatment and went about prepping my clothes and making my morning smoothie. After 20 minutes or so, I jumped in the shower and rinsed myself and my hair (used As I Am Coconut Co-Wash). I then immediately applied my leave-in Paul Mitchell The One Conditioner to prep for styling. Normally I just apply EcoStyler Pink and leave. On a whim (and because it was mean-mugging me from the counter), I decided to add the Nourishing Styling Cream by Living Proof.

I stumbled upon this product thanks to my husband who works at Sephora (he does the work, I get the perks). It managed to make it home last month amongst a bag of other goodies. Aside from reading the front rah-rah about not having any oils or heavy silicones, I ignored the ingredient list. As snobby as I am about products, I trusted sight unseen because I liked the feel of it on my hands. It's very light and creamy without being too heavy. I initially tried it out on my twist sets with pretty amazing results (definition and stretch without first drying my hair).
Twist out with LP Style Cream
Even after the twist out, I wasn't ready to judge because I teach Zumba most evenings. As a result of the workouts, my hair often looks great during the day but comes off as a freak when you see it at night. :D 
I've tried many cream-based products that proclaimed to enhance curls but did very little for my hair alone. It was like adding absolutley NOTHING. The other products also didn't mix well with gels which I've always seemed to need for hold or risk the shrunken-brillo-pad-effect by the end of the day. This is why I resorted to gel and conditioner only styles. My only complaint was major shrinkage after it began to dry. When I added the Nourishing Styling Cream this morning, it was like my hair finally surrendered. The heavens opened and music began to play as my curls bowed down, even while wet. Well, actually the music was just my cellphone telling me it was time to get up and out. But seriously, I think the heavens did open. The styling cream seemed to elongate my curls rather than cause them to withdraw. For the first time in forever, I thought that perhaps I did NOT have to apply EcoStyler afterward. But I chickened out and did it anyway. After all, 8 hours is a long time to go around work looking like a Crunchy Side-Show Bobbi with no spray bottle! Either way, as soon as I came out the bathroom to grab the gel, the husband said my hair looked longer and asked what I did differently. Still pretty wet at this point...

Wet hair with the cream added
Later, a natural friend at work asked me what I did today and when I told her it was a wash and go, she repeated "wash and go-ooo?!" in a very shrill voice! And right then, I knowed there was a God! Normally, I try to fluff my hair after it dries to make it bigger but with this product, it stayed pretty elongated without help. Most notably, it elongated most of my hair and not just the bangs which usually hang without much effort. Unfortunately, the back of my hair ALWAYS shrinks and it couldn't change that particular fact. But-- we'll see what happens after a few tries. Here's a pic after it dried today..: It's almost as big as my twist-out hair which is no easy feat!

 I'm going to try it again tomorrow without the gel just to see what happens. This is a fairly pricey product/line developed by a group of founders who used the studies of an MIT professors and his colleagues who were looking to develop beauty products in more innovative ways. I like what they have done so far. Stay tuned!

Have you tried Living Proof products? Which ones and what do you think?

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Treating my stomach and hair to yogurt goodness!

I enjoy pampering as much as the next eyeglass rocking diva (you know… because girls with glasses rock!). My pampering does not end with the occasional waxing, pedi, mani and/or massage. I also love to deep treat my hair when I’m at home chillin’. Due to my professionally done color treatment as well as the level of frizz and single strand knots I experience I feel the need to be the Buzz Lightyear of natural hair. I am willing to go “to infinity and beyond!” with my hair care techniques.

Since I’m already on a quest to lead a healthier and more active lifestyle, there are certain items I always have on hand. A main food item I keep on hand is Greek yogurt which I use in fruit smoothies and as a breakfast staple. Greek yogurt has protein and keeps me full for longer periods of time. Along the way, I’ve read a few ideas of using yogurt as a hair mask. I saw on curlynikki.com earlier this week that she used Greek yogurt as a cleanser. It stuck in my brain because I work out at least 30 minutes a day (participating in a 30-day fitness challenge) and my hair and scalp sweat regularly. I don’t always feel like washing and sometimes I want to do more than co-wash. Either way, I know that I want to care for my color-treated hair and scalp at all times.

So, last night after teaching Zumba I felt determined to do a yogurt treatment in lieu of my usual co-wash. I wanted to combine it with a scalp massage. Rather than do them separately, I wanted a mix that would allow me to deep treat, cleanse and boost scalp health. Here are the ingredients I used and why:
ü      ½ cup of full fat Greek yogurt (Smoothes and hydrates strands)
ü      1.5 Tbsp of organic honey (conditions, imparts shine and helps with moisture retention)
ü      1 tsp of cold-pressed castor oil (Promotes growth and as a pore cleanser on my face so...)
ü      1 tsp vitamin E (Slows down the aging process (gray hair!) and improves blood circulation to the scalp)
ü      5-6 drops of Basil essential oil (promotes growth by stimulating hair follicles, boosts hue of hair color)

I mixed it all in a small bowl and put it on my hair for 30 minutes. I made sure to create parts and allow placement on my scalp. I then massaged it into the scalp for a few minutes before waiting out the rest of the time with a plastic cap. I rinsed in the shower and made sure to get it all out. I followed with a quick conditioner wash using hello hydration to make sure I rinsed all of the yogurt out. I understand it can cause quite a stink if any is left behind. My hair felt great and the curls were clumped and ready to go. Afterward I used one of my random leave-ins and a styler for flat twists. This morning my hair looks and feels great, has a nice sheen, and quite a bit of body despite the dreaded shrinkage monster (cue horror movie music). I’m pleased and will do this once a week although next time I might go lighter with the basil because the husband gave the smell 2 thumbs down. Hated it! :D

Thursday, August 9, 2012

First Listen: Elle Varner's Perfectly Imperfect

Elle Varner: Perfectly Imperfect

I first spotted fellow curly Elle Varner on my favorite cable station, VH1Soul. She was singing ‘I only want to give it to you’ over an 80’s hip hop beat (Biz Markie no less). Whilst envying her big hair and curls I quickly came to love the old skool vibe of the video, the colors, the clothes and her entire package. She just seemed fun and like someone with whom I’d hang. So I did what every social media junkie does- found and started stalking following her on Twitter. I would tell you about her entire music history, including how her father is a musician but that would be proof of my stalker-ish ways. :D

Not long after, I heard Refill on music site SoulBounce.com (they’re on Twitter too!). Elle’s raspy alto reminded me of Corinne Bailey Rae with a whole lotta edge. She doesn’t necessarily have a ton of range but in her lane- she’s pretty dope. She can be smooth and she can rock out. I began to listen more for content and vocal ability and was pleasantly surprised. While ‘Only Wanna Give It To You’ likened her desire for a boy to that for a fresh pair of kicks, Refill spoke of a surprising love for which she wanted a long pour or at least a few more sips. Heck- just gimme another glass! Who hasn’t been there before? Did I mention that I also LOVE that video?

Flash forward to now and Elle’s Perfectly Imperfect has been released (August 6th). Just like her previous releases, this is a fun project. It boasts pop, country, funk, rock, soul and hip hop-tinged Elle. Sometimes when an artist tries to do too much, it seems a bit all over the place and you never quite know where you’re going (or where you’ve landed). But Perfectly Imperfect is a good ride. In fact, I would say it is the perfect riding in your car joint from start to finish. At times she also reminds me of Amy Winehouse (think F-ck Me Pumps), and even a more fun Alicia Keys. One of the best things I like about it is that it sounds like live instrumentation in my car. This means that her live set should be great. I have a deep appreciation for that alone. And the bonus? For a refreshing change, we have a young woman singing about fun, longing, partying, imperfections and love. Oh- Did I mention FUN!? Plus she uses words like “interjection” properly (I’m a nerd – so!?). I suspect there is a lot more to see here folks! In the meantime, this first stint is totally on point and perfectly- Imperfect. 
My personal faves are (ok, upon further scrutinization this is more than half the cd - lol):
  • Only Wanna Give it to You
  • Refill
  • Sound Proof Room (ummm yeah- you might know the feeling)
  • I Don’t Care
  • Leaf (I forgive the fact that this sounds like a slowed-down Only Wanna Give it to you)
  • Oh What a Night
  • Not Tonight
  • Stop the Clock (one of the few times I'm ok with hearing tick-tock being sung)
  • So Fly (reminiscent of Video by India Arie)

My rating:  Pretty Dope

Girls with glasses DO ROCK!

So, I'm sitting here in Starbucks enjoying some peace with my iced chai latte, digging how well they go together. I'm about to snap a picture of my drink when I catch a view of my 2012 specs. I realized then that I've never discussed them and my love for them. Never much into the trending "nerdy" look I immediately decided they werent for me. Then I tried them on anyway because I am officially and secretly a self-proclaimed eyewear model. I LOVE going to my eye doctor's office just to see whats new. I could really take home a new pair every week were it not for that pesky thing called vision insurance.

But I digress... My new favorite brand of glasses is Lafont! They are prominently carried at my favorite eyewear house- Columbus Eyeworks (exceptional staff and my fave- Dr. Koch). It's like they were all made just for me. I wear every pair until the hinges fall off! I'm like that guy in the contact lens commercial, crying "My brand!" every time I see them on display. Hopefully I'm not alone in that or in my random stops at mall vision stores. Anyway, if you're a glasses fanatic like me- check them out, comment and let me know if you have a favorite brand!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Do you believe in... Leave-ins?

Kinky Curly Knot Today AND Paul Mitchell The Conditioner
Many of us think about using a moisturizer of some sort to manage dryness, especially when we have hair that is naturally dry and/or color treated. Typically we go to a moisturizer to combat the dryness. In fact, I have a favorite moisturizer and one that I just "like". Most recently, I found that my hair digs the lite version of Carols Daughter Hair Milk. They are all water-based and a major part of my hair care regimen. 

My hair is most moisturized when I use a leave-in conditioner on my color treated locks. But leave-ins aren't just for color treated hair. When I big chopped, my hair was super dry. I used alcohol-laden products on a regular basis and about 12 hours afterward my hair was like- "help me. need...water!" By following blogs about natural hair, I realized I should have been using a leave-in for added moisture from day one. So- why should YOU use them? 
Here are just a few reasons--> Leave ins:
· are great for detangling wet hair
· can be used as a conditioner-only styler
· provide moisture under gels
· hydrate and strengthen
· minimize frizz
In a nutshell, leave-ins have the added components that keep it all together, soft, shiny and manageable.  They are meant to actually leave ON the hair versus the conditioners that many keep on their hair all day for conditioner wash and go styles.  Some people add olive, coconut or jojoba oil for added shine and sealing all that goodness into the strand. I primarily add the oils in winter when my hair is dryest and the weather is most harsh. My favorite leave-in conditioner of late has been Paul Mitchell's The Conditioner (a generic version is sold at Sallys for half the cost) and I've always used Kinky Curly Knot Today. I've also taken a fancy to Redken Smooth Down Detangling Cream. Once I've used up my current stash I'm heading to Target or Walmart to find Herbal Essence None of Your Frizziness Smoothing Leave-in Cream (it’s only $3.99!). Do you use a leave-in? Which do you recommend?

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Gel Talk: EcoStyler

EcoStyler Pink styled wash and go
Talking Gels: No, gels don't actually talk but I like to discuss them from time to time. I like to use gels AND products that are alcohol free. I always noticed that even when I had a relaxer the moment the beautician used some sort of alcohol laden product, my scalp would begin to itch and within days my hair would be dry (unmoisturized). My personal, natural journey and product snobbery led to my discovery of non-alcohol based gels such as EcoStyler. There are others but I just wanted to talk about this one for a moment. It is alcohol free and they have several versions. Some include olive oil, argan oil and other healthy ingredients. One is even meant for those active in sports. They come in a variety of colors- green, crystal, blue... I have previously tried the green, yellow and crystal. They were cool for my twists and wash and gos but I didn't LOVE them because my hair didn't need as much hold or was often too crunchy after use.

Then one day, I discovered that EcoCo (the maker) has a facebook page - find it here: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Ecoco/216194538402548. And on that page, they note the best use for each gel. Lo and behold I found that the "crystal" I'd been using was for porous hair. My own hair is "low porosity". After reading a bit more on each I suspected that pink was for me as it has less hold (meaning less crunch for me) for my hair which spirals on it's own. I searched high and low for it on the ground here in Columbus and was only able to find green, yellow and crystal at the suggested retailers and beauty supply stores (Sallys, Walgreens, CVS). Then one random day after the recent power outage, I went grocery shopping at Giant Eagle. Something told me to look in the cosmetics section and voila! There it was! I have been using it rather faithfully every since and it really does work for me. And might I add that EcoStyler gel is very affordable at about $3-$4 for a 16-oz jar (there are 8oz sizes too). There's something for everyone in this gel line. I'm really looking forward to trying their NEW Crazy, Sexy, Cool Curls line (partially because it borrows the name from an album title of one of my favorite girl groups- the first curlie who names the group wins a free jar of Eco Gel from me!). Give it a try!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Getting Back In the Zone

Life often comes at you fast; speedily bringing lots of distractions that derail your plans to change aspects of your life. The distractions I’m referencing take you further from, versus closer to your goals and dreams.  What should be temporary disruptions have somehow lasted much longer than they ought. In my case, it’s been things like:
  •  Personal issues
  •  Power outages
  • Vacations
  • Potlucks/Team Events
  • TV
  • Other People’s Poop (You down with OPP?)
I like to think that I’m always evolving. I feel as though God has given me many gifts and talents and I’m at my best or simply “IN THE ZONE” when I’m using them. This is just one reason I became a Zumba instructor. But I realized recently that despite my heavy workout regiment, I’d been neglecting my eating goals. I’ve had a goal to lose 30 pounds for the last year. I’d like to finally accomplish this by December, 2012. But starting over every week, or few days has pushed me further away, or at the least- caused me to become stagnant.

I’ve also had a goal to get my blog and crafting going again. I enjoy writing for entertainment purposes but I also find it therapeutic to share my poetry, photography and crafts. Still, I regularly find reasons to ignore the pen and my desk that holds everything I SAY that I love. I put off or ignore the great words, crafting ideas and articles that formulate in my head randomly during the day and at night. It has become insanity at its best.

Procrastinating has become a major problem and it has not come with the type of losses I want to achieve. Like I mentioned above, I find myself starting anew over and over. But this time, I’m declaring it will be different. To kick start this endeavor, I will either write or craft for at least one hour every day/night (starting today/night!). To keep things exciting, I will pick up my camera and start a random photography project based on my interests. I will NOT take the easy way out with my phone or Instagram.

Egg whites with asparagus and mushroom
Additionally, aligning my meals with my fitness regimen will become a priority. Water will again become my BFF in a bottle. My loved ones will have to understand if I decline dinner at places where I struggle (you know- the ones with complimentary, bread baskets- lol), eat before I come to an event, or only indulge occasionally. Hopefully, some of them will join me.

I’m on a journey to stop avoiding success. And it starts with THIS MEAL and THIS BLOG. Let’s go.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time, I had a blog. I was quite excited about it as it provided a way for me to share everything I love... and then life happened. Deaths, graduations, vacations and family adjustments have caused me to do everything but log onto my computer. Feeling overwhelmed prevented me from actually composing something worthy of your eyes/ears! But the page kept calling. Ideas kept coming and eventually I got it. I was born to write, to explore and to utilize every single talent the creator has given me. It took several tries and epic battles with procrastination for me to get it back together and get started again. So... I'm back! For real. Happy Sunday everyone! New post tomorrow.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hair talk: Back to Basics

Joining the world of natural hair has been one of my best decisions of late. I mean, I make great decisions all the time but this one has been especially interesting and endearing. Interesting because as a team, my hair and I have been through a few things; specifically, we've been through a few products and product lines. I thought I wanted to grow up to be a product tester but now that I've arrived (quotation mark fingers), I realize that I'd prefer to just have a good regimen. I'd prefer to have a good regimen that isn't based on which company is making the hottest products right now. I desire a regime that is not moved no matter my jealousy over the astoundingly, blingy results some other hair blogger has experienced; a blogger who more than likely doesn't even have hair like me. Speaking of hair like me, I still haven't figured out in which category my hair exists. But I'm thinking my hair is in the 4s and even with that bit of knowledge I have gained nothing new. So, I've tossed the hair-typing theory into the garbage and the associated products in a bin under my bed where it's dark and far from my turncoat, shiny-ball syndrome eyes. I have to maintain my resolve somehow. Don't judge me.

While I've tried many products, there are some that I have enjoyed thoroughly but none so special that I added them to my list of Holy Grail (HG) products. I can't even commit to an HG list. But I feel compelled to have this discussion because many of my local natural hair peers are interested in the products I use and my hair growth. We trade product ideas on a regular basis and I am hesitant to be an enabler. We have lots of other, far more important things to do with our money. So when asked about products, I always begin by saying the following:
  1. You have to find what is best for you. I hope they listen.
  2. Read labels- try to determine what your hair likes/hates
  3. Learn about porosity - my hair is low porosity and that lone fact has helped me choose products
  4. I will share some of my products (although I will have to avoid looking into the light should I go into the bin under my bed).
  5. My hair grows best with low manipulation/heat
Finding what's best for YOUR hair is kind of a big deal and where I will dwell for this post. Some naturals suggest that you find a "hair twin and find out what they are using. But even that didn't always work for me since you're getting back into typing. My strands are all different. Some strands are medium, the back is pretty fine, curly while the middle is pretty coarse. Based on that alone, I would be using about 3-4 different products to accommodate them all.

When deciding on a product I look for ingredients. As I primarily eat healthy foods, I definitely try to be mindful of the products I use on my hair and skin. I didn't do this when I was relaxed but I wish I had. There are definitely ingredients that my hair hates altogether and some my hair can only appreciate in small doses (aloe vera juice/gel). There was a reason my hair rejected ingredients such as grease/mineral oil-based products and yet I kept trying them. Somehow, I determined that the more money I invested in a product, the better chances that it would work for my hair. FALSE! There is nothing worse than wasting money on a $20 jar of grease that you can't return to your stylist or store! These things really matter and I regret never thinking to do this in my total hair past. Today, I abscribe to the concept of avoiding silicones, sulfates and especially alcohol in products as they are really drying. This works for me. There are 4-5 types of product I use on my hair. I use a shampoo, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, moisturizer, oils and a styler. My next post will discuss some of the products I use and what I've learned about porosity but until then, here's a peek at a couple of my favorites:

Friday, February 3, 2012

On the 10th day of DETOX, my body gave to me...

Fi-ive pounds off me!
After a tough ten days of detoxing, (with a few minor cheats) I managed to lose 5lbs. I extended the detox by one day because of the cheating. I also worked out a bit more than I had previously, varying my exercise routines along the way. I taught Zumba 5 times, participated in Zumba as a student, lifted weights, ran and used the elliptical. I've learned that I need to keep my body guessing to get the desired results. I also maintained my water intake, drinking 75 ounces nearly every day. Water matters. If you are not already doing this, I suggest you get on it. Beyond that, I worked to stop eating by a certain time at night and did my best to control cravings. I was quite pleased to see that I was down 5 pounds at the end of the cycle. But wondered about the results if I hadn't indulged in the couple of chocolates I snuck in. Hence, the extra day.

So, what's next? Well... I decided to continue the meat elimination for an additional day. However I'm considering having meat every other day until I reach my initial loss goal of 15 pounds. I will begin eating fish tomorrow but I've been craving a steak so that is on the horizon. In any case, I'm moving into the next phase of FatSmash which lasts 3 weeks and includes the addition of lean meats, sugar free cereal and COFFEE!! Boy those first few days without even one cup of coffee were tough. I only drink coffee 1-2 times a week to perk me up in the mornings or before a Zumba class. However, because I knew I couldn't have it, I had to talk myself out of the Starbucks drive-thru several times! It feels like an accomplishment to say I can let caffeine go whenever I decide. I want to feel that way about all foods and any other vices I may have. Well, except music- it is the one vice that can potentially decrease body mass if used properly. As I sit here banishing the thought of a glass of calorie-laden moscato, I am finally getting it into my head that every decision is just that a decision. And I have decided that I will instead drink this very healthy, fruit smoothie in a celebratory glass and commence to dancing. Cheers to that!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Detox -Day 4

Wow. It's hard to believe I've been on this detox journey for 4 days. As I prep tonights dinner (baked sweet potato and 1 veggie burger) I'm grateful that I've only had one slip up. But oh how I wanted to slip more. I wanted to slip into some coffee, a chai latte, some chocolate, candy, krispy kremes and Tim Hortons. Why? Because they were all placed in my line of sight over the last 4 days. It's no wonder we struggle with weight. There are far too many people who reward with food that the temptation is great and mighty!!

I stepped on the scale this morning and I had dropped 3 pounds. Yes- 3! Now, I've done this detox before. The first time I did it, I lost 8lbs in 9 days- and that was eating pizza and a couple of other non-choices during the course of the week. Today I went to an organic restaurant and ordered a super healthy lunch of tofu, brown rice and veggies. But then, the organic peanut butter cookies came out the oven and I just couldn't resist. I didn't resist. And I won't beat myself up for it. I'm just grateful for all the other options I bypassed. It's easy to beat ourselves up, get frustrated and quit. The challenge is forgiving ourselves and moving forward. That's what I'm doing tonight. Bon apetite!

Monday, January 23, 2012


Todays breakfast smoothie of spinach and berries

Oh detox, detox. How I loathe thee.
And yet, you seem to set me straight and so I must figure out how to live with and not fight you...

The story of my life folks; over the last 9 years, weight has been a problem. I had a surgery that forever changed my life and the way my body reacts to food. Mostly it caused my body to welcome every visiting food in to our humble abode and convince them to stay awhile. A long while.

Back in December I started trying to reign things in a bit. I'd lost 13lbs over the last year via clean eating but the holidays included lots of comforting foods and leftovers. Additionally, the holidays included things I'd banished to one day a week- mainly carbs and sweets. Sweets and carbs. If I have either one- it invites back the other creating a vicious cycle that has become a motha. -__- 

I decided this weekend after having my second order of fries in 2 days that I MUST do something. You see, I've been eating well. I've been exercising. I TEACH Zumba. But one false move could defeat every effort and derail my entire fitness program. As I induged, I had the wherewithall to realize that some action is required. So, detox it is. I am making a return to Dr. Ian's original fatsmash diet. It worked for me- well. It helped me to kick out the bad, and to reinstroduce the other stuff in moderation. I need that sort of plan in my life STAT. I need to regroup. After all, how can I be the motivator I desire to be in the fitness realm if I can't recognize my weaknesses AND take action? I can't. Besides that endeavor- I am taking a trip to Montego Bay in July and my body must be in order. I have friends that will be wearing 2 pieces, and I want to show off more than a 3-piece with a biscuit. At the least, I need to be in a tankini.

I also want to feel good. Once you begin eating clean, you notice a significant increase in your energy levels. I need to feel that boost 100% of the time. My journey began this morning with a fruit and veggie smoothie. I have a very short "yes" list and a very long "no list". No list be damned! I am working on creative, weekly food plans and starting to journal my meals, water intake and exerise. In the meantime- I'm leading myself in a daily pep talk- I can do this. I need this. My health matters and inspires. My plan is to be a motivator and it cannot begin until I begin to motivate myself again. So, if you see me, in person, fb or twitter- encourage me. I can use a little every now and then. Detox is 9 days and today is the first. Here goes...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Catching Up - A Mixed Bag :D

Well... long time no hear-->from ME!
Life has been a bit crazy for the last few months. We had the holidays, my 10-year wedding anniversary, college preparations for the kids and well... LIFE!

Mixed Berry Salad with goat cheese
But I'm back. I'm working out hard and drinking lots of water. I've only managed to lose about 2-3 lbs but have gained some stamina with my running which I plan to increase and continue. I'm beginning to teach 4 Zumba classes a week. 3 nights at my church and one at a local gym. Pretty fantastic eh? This is helping me with my fitness journey. I'm also reigning in my eating. The holidays got me off a bit but I'm finding my way back to clean eating- veggies, fruits, water. Hence the mixed berry salad in the pic! ------------------------------------>>
How many of you are still on the wagon? It's easy to fall off but we need each other to stay in the race. At the very least- I need YOU! Stay tuned for more posts in this area.

I'm also writing poetry, working on my book and singing background for a friend of mine. I'd been trying to decide if I wanted to post my poetry here or on my former blog. I think I'll reintroduce my old blog dedicated to poetry and poetry videos but will post them here from time to time.

My girlfriend sings inspirational and gospel music and in an effort to get back to using my voice, I have joined her where my schedule permits. It's actually been a great joy and outlet for me.

In the world of natural hair- I'm still keeping up. I've been in a protective style challenge for the last few months. I've mostly worn my hair tucked away since October or November. It's hard to believe that we are nearing the home stretch for that little project. Seems like we just started. Later, I'll do a post telling you more about the challenge and sharing what I've learned about my hair, products I'm using and myself on this journey!